Openbox, a Debian GUI

grab&run a plain Debian and install:

sudo apt-get install xinit openbox obmenu obconf lxappearance font-manager tint2 feh xterm slurm mc discus thunar geany

for the windows:

for the look of them:

and some usefull 'apps'

Keyboard setup/Raspi/XRDP ...?

sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard
change XKBLAYOUT=”gb” to "de"

change window button layout

I preefer the macOS way. Open ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml and change value to something like IMCLND or CIM You can also do this with obconf: IMC = Close, Iconify, Maximize.

Change Screen Resolution

sudo apt-get install x11-xserver-utils to get xrandr.

OB Resolution Submenu:

    <menu id="res-menu" label="Resolution">
        <separator label="Resolution"/>
        <item label="1280x1024">
            <action name="Execute">
                    xrandr -s 1280x1024
        <item label="1024x768">
            <action name="Execute">
                    xrandr -s 1024x768
        <item label="800x600">
            <action name="Execute">
                    xrandr -s 800x600